I know this is disrelated, but please vote for this amazing couple to win a wedding after they donated their entire fund to Haiti! (Or else there will be many sad "fuuuu" faces)
I am trying to help my friend Chelsea marry
the love of her life Mike. They have been together and engaged for
years and trying to have their dream wedding. They donated their wedding
fund to Haiti during the disaster and I think that selfless move
deserves any help they can get to this “contest” that yeahweddings is
putting on so that they can win a wedding! If you could mention this to
anyone, share it, or even put it on your page, the contest is nearly
over and every vote counts.
http://www.yeahweddings.com/vote/chelseamike.html This is the link to vote and also to their story.
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/602643_4139865617579_1150788934_n.jpg this is a flier they made that can be posted anywhere for inspiration to vote!
I know this is incredibly random, but it would mean the world to this couple if you helped them out. Thank you so much
http://www.yeahweddings.com/vote/chelseamike.html This is the link to vote and also to their story.
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/602643_4139865617579_1150788934_n.jpg this is a flier they made that can be posted anywhere for inspiration to vote!
I know this is incredibly random, but it would mean the world to this couple if you helped them out. Thank you so much